The way to your successful career starts now!

Intercultural coaching for women in male-dominated business!
Coaching is your companion in change

Is it your goal successful career in international business, in science and research, etc., then this is the right place for you!

Many organizations across all sectors are still male-dominated across all hierarchical levels. Female career paths and role models are still the exception.

As a psychologist, with expe-rience as a University lecturer, manager, trainer, mediator, moderator and coach, with many years of experience in intercultural coaching, I offer you these special skills for your very personal intercultural coaching.

Here you get the highest quality content, an honest exchange and individual customi-zation!

  • That means for you: You are determined.
  • This means for you: You are assertive.
  • This means for you: You are courageous and convinced of your success.
  • This means for you: You are self-confident.
  • This means for you: You move confidently on the international stage.
  • This means for you: You are flexible in dealing with people from other cultures.
  • This means for you: You gain time for yourself.
  • This means for you: You achieve a lot with little effort.
  • For you, this means: Your working relationships are smooth.
  • This means for you: You save costs

Experienced and there for you!

I put at your disposal special competences for your intercultural coaching!

My expertise is based on many years of experience and scientifically sound knowledge as well as on constant cooperation with companies.

I am qualified in -Personal Empowerment- for women!

As a graduate psychologist, I have been able to gain extensive experience in companies and organizations in more than 20 years. The size of the companies ranges from large industrial companies to medium-sized companies and non-profit companies.

I conduct intercultural field research. Stays of several months in numerous countries with dif-ferent cultures, so far in 17 different countries on five continents, these are part of the basis of my expertise. This enables me to deal intensively with the respective cultural standards, busi-ness principles and forms of communication. This has resulted in a deep understanding of intercultural encounters and cooperation. My intercultural coaching is based on research re-sults from psychology, intercultural psychology and other research. This enables me to use my knowledge in your personal intercultural coaching.

Are you ready to part from the flock and reach for the stars?

The Business and Professional Women International e.V. (BPW) association is one of the largest networks for entrepreneurs and working women worldwide. Locally, nationally and internationally in around 100 countries, BPW International is committed to supporting wom-en from all hierarchical levels and sectors in developing their professional potential in a va-riety of ways.

I support you professionally!

  • A first expert discussion with me about your intercultural coaching is free of charge for you
  • Request my free guide, which can support you with intercultural contacts

In “Fit for the World” you will find some background information and cultural standards for selected cultures.

Get your individual offer

    Are you international and in a position of responsibility

    …or working as a multiplier in companies, politics and other organizations – then intercultural coaching can be your choice.

    Last but not least, your personality is included in intercultural coaching.

    Through intercultural coaching:

    • Expand your knowledge significantly.
    • As a result, your, due to possible irritations,
    • bound energy free for professional tasks that you can use productively.

    I offer you intercultural coaching

    no ready-made recipes, but work as a catalyst. In this way, you can discover and develop your own solutions to problems more quickly. Over time, you will learn to explore information without support in intercultural situations and to design and implement your own solutions to problems.
    You receive a high degree of human appreciation and acceptance.
    I am absolutely secretive and discreet.

    Whether you interact with people from foreign cultures in your home country or are sent abroad for a short stay or for a longer period of time, I offer you intercultural coaching

    • Preparation and support
    • for any form of your international contacts
    • also in a critical interaction with foreign partners

    The great advantage of intercultural coaching in this situation is that you can clarify the critical situation for yourself in order to refresh the interaction and lead it to success.

    Personal difficulties in intercultural day-to-day work are important issues that I will support you with professionally, both on and off the job.

    We deal with your personal issues in trusting one-on-one meetings. I support you professionally with intercultural coaching that is tailored to your needs and goals.

    14th International Congress of Business & Professional Women, Egypt, Cairo
    14th International Congress of Business & Professional Women, Egypt, Cairo

    As result- and solution-oriented advice, intercultural coaching increases and maintains your performance. As a process tailored to your individual needs, intercultural coaching supports and improves your professional situation in a male-dominated world under demanding conditions in an international context.

    Intercultural coaching prepares you for dealing with people from other cultures in your home country and abroad. In this way, they have the opportunity to gain intercultural competence in a time-compressed form on a male-dominated stage.

    You have taken part in an intercultural training – intercultural coaching can supplement this. It integrates a variety of methods. Research results from intercultural psychology and other research are relevant to your intercultural coaching. Intercultural coaching, like intercultural training, offers you the opportunity for intercultural learning. In addition to your intercultural skills, you will also develop your individual, social and strategic skills.

    As a specialist, manager and expert, intercultural coaching supports you in self-reflection. Intercultural coaching focuses on the development of intercultural skills. The focus is on the content-related work. In contrast to intercultural training, intercultural coaching takes into account your current state of mind when completing your tasks. As an internationally active person, you are often confronted with a wide variety of requirements. If there are also problems with employees, colleagues and interlocutors due to cultural differences, you can feel overwhelmed. This often leads to excessive demands, which can be expressed physically and psychologically. Intercultural coaching is then a good choice!

    The world is coming together

    Now something about the term: intercultural coaching.
    The term “intercultural coaching” includes two aspects:
    The term “coaching” was coined in Anglo-Saxon countries in the 1970s and has been in use in Germany since 1980.
    “Coaching” means professional advice, guidance and support for people with management or control functions and for experts in companies or organizations. The aim of the coaching is the further development of individual or collective learning and performance processes with regard to primarily professional concerns.
    “Intercultural coaching” refers to the intercultural content and context of the intercultural coaching.